Saturday, August 3rd – STARTS 11 AM

Review of AIDS 2024 Intl Conference in Munich July 22-26 &

Wanda London, PLH, Christy’s Place, AIDS Conference Volunteer – VIEW PRESENTATION

Dr. Marlet Nuno, Universisdad Autónoma de Baja California 

Dr. Joe Caperna UCSD

Saturday, July 6th 2024

Watch ZOOM Recording

Speakers: Dr. Reverend Wanda Wainman – “Your Life is Like a Three-Legged Stool. Are you Sitting or Leaning?”

Melissa Greenleaf Finn, MAs in ancient Greek and Latin and MA – Masters of Divinity and Biblical Languages texts and in ecology and justice. Biblical and theologian scholar.  MDiv candidate in biblical languages and texts. Methodist Theological School in Ohio. 

Keele Meditation in PWH – Dr. Dan Lee

June 1, 2024

Watch ZOOM Recording

11:00 – Dr. Caperna; ACTHIV – Largest US Conference for the treatment of HIV

11:15 – Dr. Yousef Yasmian; Nutrition HIV Update

12:00 – Methamphetamine Treatment & Draft Research Protocol

Acia bowels, sponsored by AHF

May 4, 2024

Watch ZOOM Recording

11-11:45 Insurance questions for PWH

11:45-12:30 Treatment for methamphetamine “research study working group”

April 6, 2024

CROI 2024 Updates: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections

Largest HIV scientific conference  (Just happened, March 3-6, 2024)

Amphetamines for methamphetamine detox: Prof Sara Browne, UCSD

Results of SDHIVC Survey

“What has helped you live long with HIV”  John Steinmetz, President, SDHIVC

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Watch ZOOM Recording


“AVRC HNRC-HIV Research Studies at UCSD”

Marvin Hanashiro, AVRC.

Crosby Vargas, HNRC

AHF Conference Room

3580 5th Ave. 2nd Floor

Saturday, February 3,  2024


HIV, Aging and End the Epidemic Town Hall Feb 3

The San Diego LGBT Community Center

3909 Centre St, San Diego, CA 92103

Saturday, January 6,  2024


“Effects of Cannabis on the Microbiome, Endocannabinoids and Inflammation in HIV”

People with HIV (PWH) have persistent inflammation. THC and cannabidiol are anti-inflammatory in lab studies, and they affect the gut microbiome (bacteria in the intestines), possibly causing health problems. We are doing a short clinical trial comparing the effects of CBD and THC on these factors.   Thank you for the opportunity to speak.

Ronald Joseph Ellis, MD, PhD, Neurologist, Professor of Neurosciences, UCSD


Yousef Jasemian, ND, PT, Ac, MD, PhD., Adjunct Professor, School of Naturopathic Medicine

Saturday, December 2

BIOS -HIV Research in Palm Springs

Golco Morkos, PharmD

ARC anti-retroviral study

“Last Gift”

Dr. Gianella, and Crosby Vargas, UCSD

AHF Conference Room

3580 5th Ave. 2nd Floor


Prefer Virtual?

Click this link to join the meetings virtually!

Every 1st Saturday of the Month @11am

AHF Conference Room
3580 5th Ave 2nd Floor
San Diego, CA 92103

For more info or to RSVP,  contact

cell: (858) 315-0431

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